After 10 days of meetings, 3 interviews, and 2 presentations in Miami….
I am an official Latin America Mission missionary appointee to work with Scripture Union in Peru!
This means that I will be moving to Peru to work with Scripture Union full time. This means leading and translating for work teams from the US and UK, teaching English at one of the Casa Girasoles homes, working with the deaf program in Lima, and being the entire communications department for the organization (think website, communication with supporters, photographs, etc). Of course, all of this is just an example of what I will be doing and I expect that this job description will change frequently… It is a Latin culture after all!
This wasn’t an overnight decision for me. I have been feeling “the call” for the past few years, but didn’t take it seriously until recently. God has been working in my life in various ways preparing me for this calling – by giving me a love for helping others, a love of travel, the gift of learning Spanish and the confidence, ability and experience during the 2008 and 2009 2 summers in serving Him with Scripture Union in Peru.
You might be wondering why I am involved with the Latin America Mission? Answer is simple, the LAM will be my “sending mission” to work with an already formed partnership between the LAM and Scripture Union Peru. There are already three others involved with the LAM and SU (Billy and Yashmin Clark, Pablo and Bertha Lavado and my friend, Billy Greenman). When I expressed interest in working with SU full time, both Billys recommended the LAM for their excellent support and philosophies. But from becoming more familiar with the LAM over the past few months, I am finding my own reasons for appreciating the organization. One unique thing about the LAM is that its partner ministries are run by nationals in the country – not North Americans coming in to “fix” everything, rather working alongside Latin Americans (and in my case peruanos) to help them in what they are already doing.
Being accepted as a LAM missionary appointee and before I am able to move to Peru to work with Scripture Union, I need to raise monthly support to assist me in this ministry. I need to raise $3,500 a month, which includes things like housing, food, administrative costs, and insurance. In addition to financial support, I am also looking for prayer partners who will commit pray for my ministry, health, and any other needs I will have over the next few years. I will be updating this site with specific prayer requests and updates about my work.
So over the next few months I will be visiting different groups and churches, sharing what I will be doing (and what is already happening in Peru) with Scripture Union. If you are interested in hearing about this exciting new opportunity I will be undertaking, let me know! Give me a call or send an email and I am more than happy to share more about what I will be doing with you, your small group, or congregation.
Friday, February 5, 2010 at 10:16 am
great post! I told Noah this morning I miss hanging out with him all day, and you guys too! Hard to believe we were all together just a week ago!