One thing I was nervous about living in Puerto Alegria for a long time was its isolation from the city and lack of things to do (for those of you that know me well, you know that I like to keep myself very busy and involved with many projects). While each day follows the same schedule, because there are 44 boys here, every day is completely different.
But, when there aren’t any work teams here, our typical daily schedule is:
6am : Wake up
6:30 am : Devotional
7am : Breakfast
8am – 12:30pm : School
1pm : Lunch
2:30 – 5pm : Math and communication classes at Puerto Alegria
5:30-6:30 : Daily soccer game between Gene and the older boys
6:30pm : Dinner
7:30 –9pm : Movies
9pm : Bed
The past three weeks the boys have been off of school for mid-year break so we have been starting the day a 7am and they spend more time in their math and communication classes with the two teachers who live in the house with us. Happily, this meant more time to spend with the boys.
Despite my typically busy American life, I have happily spent a day swinging in an hammock, laying on a bench with one of the younger boys, or spending the entire morning talking with the educator/assistants here.
It’s going to be hard to return to the “real world.”