Just wanted to share a few videos from the past few months…
In January, the boys from Girasoles Kusi came to Lima for vacation and Billy and I were able to help keep an eye on 40 boys in a city of 10 million. On one of the first nights in the city, we went to the beach to watch the sunset. It was a big first for many of the boys and they just couldn’t help getting in the water (notice Zócimo who wasn’t expecting the waves and got caught in the water 20 seconds into the video).
In February, Billy and I spent a week in Kawai with a group from Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. They wanted to prepare a Korean dinner for the boys which included wantons and a very spicy noodle soup – even spicy for the Peruvian boys who regularly pour ají pepper over their food. Really long noodles and spicy soup made for a fun dinner. Jonathan (who was sitting to my right) was brave enough to get more broth, but then proceeded to sweat after eating a few spoonfuls.
The students at the primary school in Kusi are experts in traditional Peruvian dances from the sierra. Here, two of the students perform a traditional huayno peruano for a visiting group.