As part of my despedida (goodbye) from Puerto Alegria, I was asked by one of the caregivers to leave a letter to be read a part of their morning devotionals the day after I left. I recently talked with somebody from the site and heard how the caregiver used the letter as basis for the morning devotional, and expounded on what I wrote. I have translated a portion of my message into English.
My dear Girasoles,
I was asked by Willy to share a little of my thoughts and wanted to use this to say goodbye to you all one last time. The only thing I can say is thank you for everything. Thank you for the conversations, the smiles, for the hugs, and for a wonderful time with you in Puerto Alegria.
Each one of you is a son of God. You should know that He has a big plan and purpose for your lives – from Jesús, the oldest, down to little Luis. With the help of God and all those that are here supporting the Girasoles Program, you all will be excellent men of valor. Pay attention to those that are here working with you, helping you, loving you – they are excellent examples of the Christian men you can become. Keep following the example they set and listening to what they are teaching here, and you will be wonderful, men of God to your families and in your community.
As Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians, “I thank my God every time I remember you and I always keep you in my prayers” (Philippians 1:3). Keep following God’s direction because with him, everything is possible.
With a big hug and lots of love,
PS. To the caregivers, love my little boys Luis and Oriel. Take care of them, hug them, play with them, but most importantly, teach them to be men of God like you are yourself. They are your sons and are looking to you for direction. I know you are an excellent example for them.
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 2:46 pm
Make me cry
Thanks, Kate for sharing that.